New Zealand

Why Study in New Zealand ?

New Zealand is fast emerging as the first choice for foreign students willing to study overseas for higher studies. The educational institutions in the country are highly regarded the world over for their excellence in imparting quality education. A range of opportunities in higher education makes the country an important overseas study destination for those willing to pursue higher education. Moreover, the people of the country are well traveled and it is the reason why they accept people from different culture with great hospitality. The country has a progressive education system with excellent facilities on offer.

Higher Education in New Zealand

There is an extensive system of post compulsory education and training in New Zealand. This includes universities, polytechnics, teacher training, and various private education institutions.


There are eight universities in New Zealand, providing a wide array of subject area studies at all levels from bachelor's through doctoral degrees.. All universities offer courses in the usual faculties of arts, science, and commerce. Most universities specialize in certain fields.


Polytechnics provide a diverse range of academic, vocational, and professional programs and cover an increasing number of subjects at various levels of specialization. There are 23 polytechnics in New Zealand. Bachelor's degrees take from three to four years to complete, depending on the subject, with Honors degrees typically taking a year longer. Master's degrees can be earned in one to two years and doctoral degrees are available at the universities and some polytechnics.

Private training establishments:

It provide vocational training, offer diplomas, certificates and some degrees, with the focus on getting the student into the workforce quickly? There are large numbers of private training establishments (PTEs) in New Zealand, of which about 800 are registered with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). PTEs that enrol foreign students are required by law to have course approval and accreditation from the NZQA. The legislation provides protection for foreign students who pay tuition fees in advance. PTEs offer a wide range of courses, often in niche markets.

Student Visa Requirements

Steps to Apply for New-Zealand Study visa

To study in New Zealand, you will need a student visa from Immigration New Zealand (INZ). Before you apply, there are several things to understand and check including Conditions and Entitlements during your stay. The time you spend now in planning and preparing will save you money and reduce stress. We here at A-One Global can assist you to get a visa or permit to study in New Zealand, provided you meet our Entry Requirements for international students.

1) A written offer of a place, which notifies you that you have been accepted by an educational institution in New Zealand to study there.
2) A complete and signed ‘Application for Student Visa form, with a passport-size photograph.You will be required to pay a non-refundable student visa application fee.
3) A guarantee of accommodation: a written assurance from an educational institution or other person that suitable residential accommodation is available to you in New Zealand. Or a proof of availability of funds required for living in New Zealand.
4) Your passport or certificate of identity, which must be valid for the period of time for which you are applying to study.
5) Evidence that funds are available for your maintenance throughout your stay.

Applying Canada Study Visa under new SPP rules

One of the followingis acceptable as evidence :

1) An undertaking by applicant student that he/she will tranfer Living expenses under FTS. At prsent this amount is NZ $15,000 a year.
2) A letter from your educational institution confirming that your living expenses have already been paid for as part of your fees.
3) A bank document showing that FUNDS of the required amount will be available to you in New Zealand ($15000 for one year of your stay).
4) Alongwith all this, there are few other REQUIREMENTS.
5) Completed New Zealand Immigration service medical and chest X-ray certificates
6) Character clearances, which must be two original character references (if under 17 years of age), or a local police clearance (if you are 17 and over). You will be advised of the procedure for obtaining these by the New Zealand government office.
7) All these documents are essential before a student visa is issued. When the overseas New Zealand government office is satisfied that your application is complete and in order, you will be issued a student visa.
8) If you break any of VISA conditions, New Zealand immigration is authorized to revoke your permit, which may result in you having to leave New Zealand. For more details contact A-One Global Services.