
Why Study in Australia ?

Australia is situated between, and isolated by, the Indian and the Pacific oceans. It has many animals and plants , which are unique in the planet. The surface geology is typically old and flat. In land area, Australia is the sixth largest nation and it has, however, a relatively small population. Australia is the only nation to govern an entire continent and its outlying islands and also is the driest inhabited continent on the earth. Climate: Nearly a third of Australia is in the tropics and the rest is in the temperate zone: Summer is from December to February; Autumn from March to May; Winter from June to August; and Spring from September to November.

Language: Although English is the official language, a host of other languages like French, Spanish and Hindi are also spoken in Australia.

Culture: Australia is a safe, friendly, sophisticated and harmonious multi-cultural society in which students can learn, travel and live harmoniously. Australia is a safe country compared to almost any other country world. Crime and political unrest are rarely seen in Australia. Your study plans and progress are not likely to be upset by political turmoil. People from about 200 countries have migrated to Australia, making Australia one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. The multicultural nature of Australian society means international students are readily accepted by other students and teachers. Australia is rich in the Arts and Music. In music, Australia has developed a fertile environment that supports a great range of musical tastes ranging from the most avant-garde experimental to folk, from the youthful sounds of chart-busting pop to the unique music of the aboriginal people. Painting in Australia has a history that can not only be traced back over forty thousand years of Aboriginal culture but also is represented in the major museums and galleries of modern and avant-garde art, worldwide.

People: Australians are open, warm and friendly people and you will find a welcoming embrace in Australia. Many students living in Home stay situations experience Australian family life in a natural, friendly way and often find they are treated like a family member. Wherever you live - home stay, boarding school or campus accommodation - you will discover many opportunities to make long lasting friendships.

Religion: Australia is predominantly a Christian country; however, all religions are represented in the community. Devotees will find churches, mosques, temples and synagogues located in most of the major cities.

Sports and recreation: Australians are very keen on sport and outdoor activities and has a worldwide reputation for sports and outdoor activities. This is endorsed by the Olympic Committee's selection of Sydney to host the Olympic Games in the year 2000.

Transport: Australia has an extensive public transport system that includes trains, buses, tramways, ferries, two major national airlines and a number of regional airlines. Metropolitan areas are divided into zones and your ticket type and cost depends on which zone you are going to travel in and for how long. Tourist students may drive in Australia on a valid overseas driver's license but if the document is not in the English, the visitor must carry a translation with the permit. An international driving license is not sufficient by itself. Cab services: Metered taxicabs operates in all major cities and towns. There is a minimum charge on hiring and then a charge per kilometer travelled. Taxi drivers do not expect to be tipped.

Simplified Student Visa Framework

The simplified student visa framework (SSVF) came into effect on 1 July 2016. International students will apply for a single Student visa (subclass 500) regardless of their chosen course of study student guardians will apply for the new Student Guardian visa (subclass 590) a single immigration risk framework will apply to all international students. All students and student guardians will generally be required to lodge their visa application online by creating an account in ImmiAccount.

Apply Study Visa

If you are planning to apply for Australia Study Visa, you must fulfil the following requirements:
Arrange an Offer of Acceptance: Before a student can apply for a student visa, a valid offer letter from a CRICOS registered Australian institute is required.You can check details of Institutes registered with CRICOS. Course details along with duration of course and fee structure can also be checked from CRICOS site. You can call A-One for all details. Our Counsellor will help you to arrange your offer letter in relevant course.
English Proficiency: An IELTS score is a mandatory requirement and evidence of this must be included at the time of application for the student visa. Normally it is 5.5 Bands for Diploma Courses and 6 Bands for degree courses. IELTS requirement can vary with different Institutes and different courses. If you are having less bands A-One World will guide to take ELICOS with your main course otherwise you have to score required bands in IELTS. Financial Capacity: Student visas are granted when a student can prove that they have adequate funds to support themselves in Australia, pay for their tuition and care for dependent family members included on the visa. These requirements are different for different visa clauses so you have to contact A-One World or you may check it in link given below See details at Student Visa Living Costs and Genuine Access to Funds Work Permit Rules : As a student in Australia , you will only have a limited working allowance on your visa. Therefore adequate funding to pay for living expenses and tuition are important and must be evidenced to gain the visa. If you take time off from study to work, you will fall below full-time study levels, exceed your work allowance on the visa, or will fail academically. Any of these things can lead to visa cancellation.


The student needs to submit their past academic records for verification as well as a statement of purpose for undertaking the desired course.

Health cover:

Because Medicare, the Australian national health system, is not available to overseas students, you must maintain your Overseas Student Health (OSHC) cover while in Australia.

Non-Immigrant Intent:

You must leave Australia before your visa expires.

Good Character:

Other requirements are that you be a genuine student, have good health and be of good character-without a criminal record.

Student visa requirements:

In order to get a Student Visa, you must satisfy the norms of the Visa requirements and your student visa will list the conditions that apply specifically to you. It is important to comply with your visa conditions to avoid visa cancellation.

Post Study Work Arrangements

The Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) allows graduates to work in Australia temporarily after they finish their studies. It has two streams: the Graduate Work stream and the Post-Study Work stream. The Graduate Work stream is for international students who graduate with skills and qualifications that relate to an occupation considered in demand in the Australian labour market, as indicated in the Skilled Occupation List (SOL). A visa in this stream is generally granted for 18 months. The Post-Study Work stream offers extended options for working in Australia to eligible graduates of a higher education degree. Under this stream, successful applicants are granted a visa with a visa period of two, three or four years’ duration, depending on the highest educational qualification they have obtained.