Mobile Prediction

According to Numerology

How to Pick Cell Phone Number based on Date of Birth
If your cell phone number has 10 digits (even if it includes area code), the sum total of all these 10 digits is important.
Add your mobile number to a single digit.
For Example, if your number is 9848012345 then add it 9+8+4+8+0+1+2+3+4+5 = 45.
Single digit can be obtained by 4+5 = 9
So, 9 is your single digit which should resonate with your date of birth.
Generally, total 9 in a mobile number is not good for aged people or who do not have a healthy body. It may suit only to political leaders.
Also, people born on dates of 2,4,5,6,8,11,13,14,15,17,20,22,23,24,26,29,31 in any month should not pick number 9 totalling mobile number.
In this generation, where every transaction, meeting, banking, messaging etc are done through mobile phones and Apps like WhatsApp (which use the same number), it is important to chose the right combination.
Successful businessmen never use a fancy number, but will always go for a suitable total.
If born on 1,10,19,28 of any month – Total must be 2,3,4,9
If born on 2,11,20,20 of any month – Total must be 1,5
If born on 3,12,21,30 of any month – Total must be 1,2,9
If born on 4,13,22,31 of any month – Total must be 5,6,8
If born on 5,14,23 of any month – Total must be 1,6
If born on 6,15,24 of any month – Total must be 4,5,7,8
If born on 7,16,25 of any month – Total must be 6,9
If born on 8,17,26 of any month – Total must be 4,5,6
If born on 9,18,27 of any month – Total must be 1,2,3,7




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