Chairman Message

The primary object of school education is to provide children with a learning environment that truly nurtures their inherent talent and brings out the best in them. In general, there are two types of schools: one that are fully focused on career building , and the other are those that primarily disseminate spiritual education in an ancient gurukul system. In integrating modern education with India’s ancient gurukul system, our Sacred Heart Public School has chosen to imbibe the essential principles of the two divergent approaches

In India most families tend to blindly pursue and overemphasize the goal of learning for monetary income alone, little realizing that the health and character of their child are of paramount importance too. It has not been said in vain: “When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; and, when character is lost, everything is lost.” With this wisdom held in our thoughts, we have designed our school in such a way that it accounts for all the three areas of child’s life.

Led by the duo of highly experienced Principal and Vice-Principal, the school has a large, dynamic team of teachers who have created an enviable bond with their students. A recent incident in our school will highlight this teacher-student relationship. One day, and it was Monday! Mitali who teaches a Kindergarten class was on leave. A replacement teacher was deputed to take the class. When the substitute teacher reached the classroom and the little children realized that their favourite teacher was missing, they all bolted the door from inside and shouted in chorus: “We want Mitali ma’am!” They did not allow the new teacher to take the class. Such is the bond between teachers and students in our school!

To cater to the need for the health of children, the school has dedicated teachers and professionals in the fields of yoga, sports, and self-defence. The times are a changing and challenges are enormous. The need of the hour is to make our children strong enough, so they could win every Mahabharata in their life. Our school is consciously preparing its wards for their future.

If a school fails to build the character of its students, it has indeed failed its society. It is, therefore, the most important responsibility of the school to focus on character-building. To this end, Sacred Heart Public School boasts of a highly elevating and blissful environment in its campus. A beautiful, serene ashram complex with a lush green Nidhivan in front lends this aura of bliss. Regular yoga, classical music and dance classes are conducted for all children in the school. National level music concerts and dance performances are held regularly by the school in association with Jammu Music Akademy and Visakhapatnam-based Tarakeshwara Foundation. A State-of-the art recording studio is under development. This is a unique feature of our school.

Another unique feature that we propose to introduce is to conduct regular workshops on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for both our teachers and students alike. It is a specialized training that equips its trainees to develop nearly a photographic memory. This and many other things are in store for children !

I warmly invite parents to explore Sacred Heart Public School as we rededicate ourselves everyday, to raise the consciousness and knowledge quotient of young minds.

Swami Jnanaprabhu

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