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April 16, 2013!


"We believe each child is gifted. It is upto Parents & teachers to find that gift & strengthen it."
" We believe education is not about dispensing knowledge but igniting curiosity to inquire, think & Learn."

The preschool years are a special time in the life of young children. During this period, they begin to trust others outside the family. They gain independence and self-control, and learn to take initiative and assert themselves in socially acceptable ways. At 3 months the human brain has the potential to distinguish several hundred spoken sounds, while at the age of 3 the brain is ready to receive 'experiences' and is most flexible and absorbent.
Taking benefit of this ability EP exposes your child to varied topics ranging from Language, Visual Arts, Geography, Mathematics and Science all at their desired aptitude levels.

Language and Literature

We motivate children by offering them to hear and communicate with well told literature and poetry. Through a variety of listening activities children are regularly made to pay attention to the sounds in words so that they begin to distinguish the smaller units of sound that make up a whole word. Good books are read aloud to them as listening helps children acquire a sense of what makes up a story and motivates them.

Visual Arts

What colour are your eyes? What colour is the sky today? Children are attracted visually to most objects. Some enjoy using crayons, some paints some dough or some with coloured bricks. visual stimulation can make a toddlers intellect soar.. Here we stimulate their intellect, make them think and then hand them over their own tools and let them inspire themselves.


In Kindergarten, children often study aspects of their immediate world; the family, the school, the community etc. While such local studies should be encouraged we should take advantage of a childs natural curiosity and begin to broaden their horizons about the larger world. Through the medium of games and visually stimulating multimedia we aim to help them understand our world and its different landscapes.


Here we introduce science to the pre-schooler. A variety of scientific topics like the plant and animal kingdom, the seasons, the weather, the human body. The topics are presented systematically with colourful teaching aids and day – to- day experiences, experiments which are designed to enhance learning.

Field Trips

Children are constantly receiving and responding to stimuli. An essential part of learning in the preschool years is multi-sensorial experiences. In our effort to stimulate these senses we encourage several field trips in an academic year.


Theme Days are organized. they are run in play times and do not impact on the student's learning time. The days are a look of fun for students and teachers. Theme Day participation is optional and the students get very creative.