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SATYA YOGA (TM) Holistic healing research Centre for yoga and meditation.


We here at this Holistic healing centre aspire, To Selflessly heal and serve the ailing and suffering people and motivate and inspire them to bring awareness in their lives and help them to become self-efficacious and self-confident so that they take complete control of their lives and understand and achieve the meaning and purpose of their lives for which they are here on this mother earth by the will of that Divinity, God, the ultimate truth.


SATYA YOGA (TM) Holistic healing research Centre for yoga and meditation.

1) Is a nonprofit holistic healing centre.
2) Where physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing of individuals/groups is attempted/done.
3) By using the concept of integrative / holistic / functional medicine.
4) In which an innovative combination of various scientifically proven and practically feasible therapeutic interventions, is done ( compatiable/ blendable with today's fast and hectic lifestyle when people do not seem to be motivated / or prepared to take out time for the welfare and healing of their own lives ).


We here at our centre

1) Focus on Self-healing, Self-Empowerment, and Self-Sufficiency
2) We focus on compassion, love, selflessness and we are Spirit-Directed
3) We have Holistic view to life and we emphasize Choice and Flexibility
4) We care for peoples suffering and are dedicated to their achievement of Success

We here at our centre, honor Individuality and Diversity. We honor, accept, and respect the many faiths and belief systems of all suffering people who come to our centre. Similarly, we respect and honor individual lifestyle choices and know that each person has his own path to walk to the end of his intended life journey. No two individuals are alike. Our programs and services are not connected to any particular religious denomination or spiritual practice.

SATYA YOGA( TM) Holistic healing research Centre for yoga and meditation is actively involved in the community, both locally and globally, as a way of providing service and showing gratitude. As a community of spiritually guided holistic practitioners, we strive to be a beacon of wellness to our community and worldwide. It is why we approach our suffering people, patients, students, our communities, and our world from a position of gratefully giving back for what Spirit has given us.

Our intention is not to simply bring you a healthier body and peace of mind. These are the byproducts of the services offered at SATYA YOGA(TM) Holistic healing research Centre for yoga and meditation.

Our aim is to guide, nurture and support your practice in the art of attaining Holistic Health.

We passionately believe all healing is holistic, encompassing mind, body, and spirit and that all people can benefit from holistic practices.

We support the integration of Western Medicine and Holistic Health practices to achieve optimal health.

We communicate and operate our organization with integrity, respect, trust and confidentiality.

We motivate you and inspire you in your exploration of the experience of oneness, the cultivation of a mind capable of concentration and a heart free of judgment. The results of this mystical journey happen to include a radiant body, fulfilled mind, a joyful existence and achieving the intended purpose of life on this Mother Earth.

Guiding/Underlying Principles

The principles guiding us at our centre for various interventions are the following:

1) The state of our 'health' implies that all natural processes that support life are functioning at an optimal level in their intended alignment.

2) Our health in its natural state of operation/ wholeness implies the positive state of interaction/equilibrium of various aspects of our being i.e., physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and our soul/spirit.

3) At any given point of time in our lives, we are either Healthy ( aligned ),Satisfied , Balanced, Well, Integrated or Fulfilled and at ease( in flow) or we are Unhealthy (misaligned ), feel Dissatisfied, in Stress, Turmoil or Dis-ease (feeling not in flow). This all is because of a state of order/integration/ coordination or disorder/disintegration/ lack of coordination between different aspects of our being.

4) It is only, when we are able to bring balance or order between various aspects of our being, that we can say that we are Healthy and in our wholeness. This is what, we here at our centre's philosophy use the word 'Holistic healing'.

5) Holistic healing is bringing into balance the various aspects of our being i.e., physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and our soul/spirit.

6) Holistic healing bypasses the 'band-aid fix' approach of conventional medicine, looks beyond a person's physical state and sees the wholistic view of his state of being or functioning.

7) Holistic healing is possible only, when we approach our life consciously from all aspects of our being - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

8) We here at our centre believe that, a holistic approach is considered to be more effective because with this approach, change occurs at all levels and as a result, positive changes are more likely to last long-term and improve a person's overall quality of life and help him achieve a purposeful and a fulfilled satisfied life.

9) The characteristic principle of our treatment approach is combining the benefits of both science and synergy. We use the synergistic effect of holistic treatment combined with the scientific research of these treatments. The treatment model we offer here at our centre provides each individual/patient a balanced, whole health care. From our clinical experience and extensive research, our treatment model offers to individuals/people the best possible holistic effect for their entire health: Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit/ Soul.

- We here at our centre
by using a holistic health care approach, we examine individuals/people as a whole system: mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Through this approach, we are dedicated to understanding cause, effect, and result of their whole health. Through this perception, we offer treatment approaches to help their body bring itself into a healthier/ wholesome state and through this help them achieve a fulfilled satisfied and a happier life.

- We here at our centre
we understand that people are more than just patients with a larger spectrum of health and well-being concerns and goals. We understand they have many other aspects of their life that these health and well-being concerns/goals may be affecting. In addition to offering them a focused and detailed-oriented examination, we listen to them and what they desire from the treatments offered. Before offering them a treatment plan, we consider every aspect of information they have shared with us during our initial meeting sessions with them.

We work with them:-
* To make them self-conscious and mindful of their thoughts as we believe that we all must bring in our journey to Holistic health fulfillment, a commitment to stop and think about how our words, actions, or deeds will affect our own and another's thoughts, feelings, and ultimately their soul. The Yogic Principle of "Ahimsa" is our first guiding principle - to "wish no harm," and to stand as much as possible in full awareness of the intended and unintended consequences of our choices, and act with integrity and accountability.

* To make people perseverant and so much self-aware that they take the responsibility of their Self- healing,Conscious Deconditioning and self-transformation.

* To decide on the best treatment plan that will benefit them, their health, and well-being the most.

* We work hard to seamlessly blend their holistic treatments with their other life commitments in today's fast modern lifestyle.

Administrative Procedure

I, as the Director of this Holistic healing centre along with my team of Holistic practitioners and Yoga therapists has laid down a comprehensive working protocol as given below:

Various Assessment methods and Therapeutic interventions used at the SATYAYOGA healing centre are the following:

* A formal personal meeting with /interview of an individual on an one-to-one basis is conducted first in the serene lawns of the centre followed by a brief Meditation session in the Swami Vivekananda Hall of the centre and then date and time for the second meeting is decided and the individual is requested to bring along the date, time and place of his birth on the second meeting.

* In the second meeting , the individual is asked to fill up a personal bio data form. Then an assessment of the individuals Composite Personality makeup is done in the ante room of the centre, using various scientific tools / measures based on indices of Happiness levels , levels of Wellbeing , Quality of life and Stress levels , levels of Physical, Mental , Social, Emotional and Spiritual Health. In this session , an individual is asked to fill up different Quizzes and Personality forms or sheets in a fixed time period. Then some time is spent in making a detailed diagrammatic and written layout of constitutional positive assets and weaknesses in one's physical body and personality by Astrological assessment. This second day of meeting is again followed by a brief Meditation session in the meditation hall. Then the individual is called for a third meeting and the date and time set for that. A complete written personal data file of an individual is made and a personal code no is earmarked for an individual. In the mean time, I work personally on computer and using the personal code of an individual , and further the individual's computerized file is made and the data is fed in that file. Then a complete computerized Physical, Mental , Social, Emotional and Spiritual profile of an individual is made and then an attempt is made to chalk out the details of an individual's Healing Session programme compatiable with his composite Personality and Constitutional profile. While making the details of an individuals Healing Session package, special precautions are taken to match the scientific feasibility of his personality and constitutional profile and the therapeutic measures ( used for healing at this centre.)

*In the third meeting, a detailed formal interaction is done with the individual , when he is given a briefing on his Physical and mental constitutional profile. He is made to scientifically understand the extent of positive assets and weakness in his physical and mental constitution and then, I try to make him understand the link between his physical and mental constitution and his unhealthy lifestyle and the cause of his illhealth and suffering. Here , at this time a brief Yoga nidra and a meditation session is conducted followed by a brief session of motivation in which he is inspired for taking a complete conscious control of his life by becoming more self-efficacious and self-confident in his intended journey towards rejuvenation and complete transformation of his life with our support here at the centre and a continuing positive effort on his part in his day to day life. Then, he is given the details and the schedule of his healing session and the approximate time by which he is expected to be healed holistically. Following are the therapeutic interventions, I use in my centre, in various practically feasible combinations to make a complete holistic or a functionally integrative package for the people on an individual /group basis.

* Yoga in physical context
* Meditation
* Health and Nutritional counseling
* Motivational counseling
* Color therapy
* Music (Sound) therapy
* Visualization techniques
* Guided Imagery and Guided Meditation
* Biofeedback
* Positive Affirmations
* Relaxation techniques like Progressive muscle relaxation, Autogenic relaxation and Yoga Nidra.
* Devotional /Satsang sessions.
* Scientific Prayer sessions.

From January 2017, I started with my Daily schedule AT CENTRE as:
* Morning self Yoga and Meditation/Prayer session from 4.00 am to 6.30am

* Conducting group yoga classes from 6.45am to 7.45am.

* Time for morning breakfast and rest till 9.00 am.

* From 9.00 am ,Sitting on computer and internet and communicating with yoga students on Phone and via videoconferencing and replying to their queries and giving them Advice on Yoga and Meditation till 9.30 am.

* From 10.00am onwards, conducting Holistic Healing Therapy and Counseling sessions with Patients on individual basis till 11.15am.

* Going around the centre and for seeing it's maintenance from 11.15am to1150am.

* Meditation till 1.30 pm.

* Lunch from 2.15 pm to 2.45 pm.

* Rest and Siesta for one and a half hours.

* Clinical practice in private clinic from 4.30pm to 8.00pm.

* Meditation for half- an- hour from 8.30 to 9.00pm.

* Family time with the Family and Dinner together.

* Going around the centre, especially it's plantation part and looking to it's watering and maintenance. Having a walk in the centre's garden.

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